We have developed a Live Streaming solution that are revolutionizing how virtual productions are shot
We have developed a Live Streaming production solution that is revolutionizing how productions are shot.
With the help of our virtual production and Live Streaming system, you can get the most out of your green screen shoots
A fully fitted virtual office environment for webinar and webcast.
We don’t know what could be cooler presenting in a virtual studio environment
A fun experiment to animate virtual screen moving
Livestreaming refers to online streaming media simultaneously recorded and broadcast in real-time. It is often referred to simply as streaming, but this abbreviated term is ambiguous because “streaming” may refer to any media delivered and played back simultaneously without requiring a completely downloaded file.
With ground breaking photo-realistic 3D graphics generated by Unreal Engine we can composite the live video feed from our green screen directly into the 3D world. Which creates an super immersive effect for the Live audience.
Live Streaming Virtual production may also have cost benefits further downstream from principal photography: LED volumes and virtual sets can be used by marketing teams to shoot commercials, and VFX assets can be reused for sequels, subsequent seasons, and other
media. While reusing digital assets is not impossible today, it’s not the norm: most organizations have many digital versions of the same asset (such as the White House)
that are not shared because each asset is tied to an individual show, and even within
a given show, production and marketing budgets are siloed.
Unreal Engine has been at the forefront of virtual production since the first workflows began to emerge; today, virtual production can influence every aspect of the Live Streaming production pipeline.